Hello from rural Missouri! Driving half way across the country has kept me from posting. I get to a hotel and literally collapse. Information overload has me brain dead, so this little essay is short, but I’ve been collecting these cartoons to share with you. I love the vision of these skilled and wildly creative artists. I wonder if Dump & Company ever sees them. 🤔
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The political cartoons of the day. I’ve always loved them and have talked about them previously here. Sitting in my hotel last night, I looked up some recent cartoons and hadn’t seen any of these. I think they are incredible.
I wonder how much longer we’ll get to enjoy such talent in a fascist country. Have you seen these?
Michael Ramirez for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. This says it all in just a glance.
By Nick Anderson… no wonder he’s a Pulitzer Prize winner. Lemme tell ya… urban folks use the post office, but for rural people it’s a damned lifeline. Another devastating blow if this occurs.
By Bill Bramhall of the New York Daily News. So good and so painfully accurate.
By Jack Ohman. Powerful message. Racism has always kept America from moving forward and evolving into our better selves. We must do better.
By Matt Wuerker. WHAT a Talent! Another Pulitzer Prize winner and founding staff member of Politico.
The work of Nick Anderson. Will WaPo ever recover from the reign of terror Bezos has wrought? I’m glad I cancelled that rag.
More from Nick Anderson. Spot on!
Is Ann Telnaes a talent or what??? Amazing.
Al Goodwyn’s work. Excellent! Clearly, the Democrats can’t even muster up enough energy to at least try to resist this tyranny. Will a new party emerge from all of this?
More Al Goodwyn. America is not a critical thinking bunch. And in rural America, I hate to say it but education is not a priority.
Ann Telnaes… one of my favorites!
Mike Luckovich, Pulitzer winner, from The Atlanta Constitution. This is scarily accurate. Mike nailed it. (Note Justa Dick’s eye makeup 😂)
Ted Littleford. A former ad guy from a New York Agency. Just excellent!
The truth hurts. All of these artists will be remembered through their biting portrayal of the era we now find ourselves.
Before I sign off, meet our farm pups! I was thrilled to see them! 🐶
These are so great, thanks for sharing them. They speak a thousand words!
As a political cartoon enthusiast, I enjoyed these, though it’s painful as well.