What kind of shitty people abuse seniors?
The Republican kind, where basic human decency is non existent.
This is Essay #114
This wont take long. I need to rant. I bet you do, too. This community means the world to me. It’s our safe space to vent, laugh, & share our experiences. Thanks for being a part of it.
When I’m in town, we always meet for lunch at the diner, one of her favorite spots. It’s a real old-school place. Everything shines and sparkles. The waitress is right out of central casting. The multi-page menu is ensconced in plastic, the selections are endless, and the food comforting.
At almost 85 years young, my friend is a real survivor. Worked hard, got rid of an abusive spouse, and raised a loving family. She’s extremely well read on current affairs, and in spite of arthritis, she uses her phone like a pro, deftly typing out emails and responses against the current tyranny. She analyzes essays on Substack and has a big following on BlueSky.
My friend is a gentle, kind soul… usually oozing optimism.
But at lunch, her hands nervously pulled at her napkin and her voice shook:
“Susan, if they take my social security, I’ll be destitute.” 😭
And I had no idea what to say.
The uncertainty of wondering if YOUR money will be there to pay your rent and buy groceries is emotional abuse by the Republican party and the citizens who vote for them. Do NOT fuck around with our senior population!
After eons of walking upright, humans are STILL a primitive species.
Evil people have been around in every era, tormenting and exploiting others. All our technological advancements have not improved our heart and soul. It has not made us smarter… just more susceptible.
How stupid and unaware do you have to be when America’s enemies are happy to see us blowing up from the inside out?
I don’t have the answer for fixing our broken government. But putting good people through hell so the rich can have even more pisses me off.
It should piss EVERYBODY off.
Where’s the decency? The empathy? Is humanity even salvageable? The decent people will be left to clean up the mess the others leave behind.
Then, there’s the damage done to our personal relationships.
Am I sending a birthday card to a Nazi?
Just when you think you know someone. Nope.
When all this began, I had strong suspicions that some of my friends did not share my vision of America. Now, I’m convinced of it. A very close friend of many years will not discuss what’s happening with me, and uses their Facebook page for cat videos and puppies for adoption. Maybe it’s their cowardly way of coping, but I think it’s bullshit.
HELLLOOOO!!! Our society is being bludgeoned with a sledge hammer. Seniors are scared to death they might not have money for groceries. Health care is pushing some families into bankruptcy. Guns are killing kids at school.
I want to ask: Are cat videos the best you can do? Cause lemme tell you, there’s a lot you can do. But the first step is get off your ass and be a civilized member of our society. What’s happening to your fellow citizens is appalling. It’s time to step up and be a better human being.
Better to find out now the difference in morals and ethics with our families and friends. The upheaval in our personal relationships will be a price we pay.
And I’m ok with that. 🙄
Don’t pee in the cornflakes.
I’ll leave you with a helpful piece by
. Don’t pee in the cornflakes.It’s not helpful to deal with and survive this devastating period in our history by nihilistic thinking. “Nothing can be done” or “It’s too late”.
NO!! We have to at least try. And, the “I told you so” approach is hurtful and not productive. When you’re inclined to say shit like this, please don’t.
I remain convinced that if everyone does a little, we can accomplish a lot. In order for me to survive, I have to have hope.
I just have to.
Thanks for reading my rant.
Love you guys. ✌️💙
Thank you Susan! I'm going through this as well. If I lose my disability and SNAP benefits I will be homeless and hungry. It is terrifying! I can't work, I have health problems. It is so stressful to worry about this shit on a daily basis. Thanks for the rant. I needed someone to understand.
They fuck with Social Security and Medicare there will be an uproar! I'll be part of it! I'm way passed due for a road trip 🙏