Susan, you are my daily jolt back to reality. I pass much of my time writing and publishing books, living in a narrow-focused world, a mixure of fantasy and tech. You remind me there is another world out there consisting of real people doing real things. Thank you.

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But the question is, do you REALLY want to come back to reality!? 😂 I love your world and thoroughly enjoy your writing…so thanks you so much for reading my thoughts!

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Well done Susan! Congratulations! I’m so glad I connected with you. Wishing you all the success and sanity you desire! Love your photos and spirit! Thanks for doing this. It certainly helps me get through my day! 🩷

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It's been a fun journey to be sure, Joanne. Thanks to you for being a part of it. We all need each other right now more than ever. 💙✌️

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Wow, a year! Is that all? Feels like I've known you all my life.

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Same here! I love our musical connection. If I ever get to meet you for real, I bet we'd find even more in common. Thank you.

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Happy anniversary! Outstanding photos!

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Appreciate that, Sally! Your vote of confidence really means a lot! Here's to another year! ❤️💙✌️

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Congratulations Susan! I’ve been busy today. I didn’t realize a year had passed already. I met you on Jeff’s Substack, and we had lunch before you began writing this. I love seeing your success, and I’ll see you tomorrow at Pandora. 🥰

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YES! I cant wait to see you! Substack has made so many things possible. ❤️❤️

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Congrats Susan🎉

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It’s been a meaningful ride-thanks for coming along! 😃✌️

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Happy 1st anniversary to all . Great post Susan .Hugs and peace

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Thanks Mitch...I cant believe it's already been a year! 🤦‍♀️ Time is flying by and I'm glad you're here. ✌️

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No thanks needed , Susan . When I can I respond . If I can't send the like so you know i read it .

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I like your macro lens, too.

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It's a ton of fun...able to see things in a different way!! ✌️ Thanks!

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You are my spirit sister. ❤️ For me, this is a rarity. I feel very fortunate to have found you. I love your photography. I would frame some of those. They're beautiful. And so are you. Let's stand together, united. You make that easy to do. Congratulations!! 🍷🍸🍾🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃 Cheers Sister! Now, I'm going to breathe in my paper bag. 🫣 Love you!😊

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Spirit Sister! Oh, I feel it, Lisa. WE STAND TOGETHER UNITED! 👏👏👏👏

I feel so less alone with you and the rest of this bunch!

I'm really thankful you found me! 😂 Love ya!

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Congratulations! You are so inspiring!

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Seriously, a year went by in blink! Thanks Linda!! You're the best!

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Hey Susan! Congrats on your first year! My first introduction to you was when I read your piece on cross country camping trips with your parents and your dad was on uppers the whole time😂 That was you, right!!? That was an out loud laugh that brought many relies from others about X-c trips with their parents back in the day! So. Funny! Anyway, I am glad you are here and will keep subscribing so keep on keepin’ on! Cheers!

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LOL Yes…that was me! Those little White Cross tablets he would take. God, I remember that like it was yesterday! I survived, though. Sure glad you enjoy my memories and thoughts. THANKS for being part of the gang! 😂❤️❤️

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Congratulations on one year, Susan. I have no idea how long ago I discovered you but I know it was less than a year ago. I think through Kuo. Love the photography, and a bit envious because it something I've been wanting to also jump back into. Hopefully soon. I loved all the pics but my favorite was the Bee and the one word blurb underneath it, lol. Thanks for adding a needed smile to my day. Curious about what type of camera you use, too.

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This is just best platform…I’m so glad I know you. We have similar humor! I was in a funk there for a while, but I’ve crawled outta the hole. I use Canon… and my phone. And I edit in Lightroom. My dad enjoyed photography and gave me my first camera, an Argus c3, known also as The Brick. Interesting history on the camera. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argus_C3

Thanks for your readership and friendship… lets try to have a good week. ✌️

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EDIT to previous comment: Who else had an Argus? I just read part of the article. More than 2 million, which in that day was a LOT. The article says the camera was a bestseller. Neat.

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My dad had one, I guess my sister got it, but I don’t really have the talent. My granddaughter Jen does beautiful camera work.

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We definitely share some "traits" or whatever. :-) That's fun, for sure.

And somewhat similar histories, too. Case in point: I inherited an Argus when I was a kid! That's crazy. Who the hell else in the world would have an Argus? lol. I never really learned to use it, though. I had a Canon several years ago when the digital ones started coming out. I was too intimidated by analog SLRs. Then I found the digital ones even more intimidating. Phones are almost as good these days, which is also crazy. Have a great week yourself, and I'm glad you got out of your funk. I've been fighting funk myself quite a bit lately. F** funk! Unless it's music funk. That's kinda fun.

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OMG. 😳 Argus might have issued a lot of cameras, but in this day and age not many know what it is. They have an Argus Museum in Michigan! I learned how to roll film in an Argus! And yes...the iPhone has a pretty great camera!

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Love you!

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Right back at ya!!! 💙💙💙💙💙

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Yay and happy anniversary! Also, fabulous photos! Thanks for entertaining and inspiring all of us.

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The support and care I feel from this community is priceless. THANKS for being here and your kind words. :) 💙

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Happy Anniversary! Great photos…ALSO…you forgot to mention the great music you share! Love hearing those! You have it all (including the political crap we are experiencing)….Keep it up!

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Thanks so much Tess…how did I forget Tim’s Playlist. 🤦‍♀️ I’m actually working on one right now. Music keeps the memories alive…and helps us during the political crap, too. THANKS for your support and for being here….so appreciated! 💙💙

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I am fairly new here on Substack and am so glad I found you here. Your words and now photographs speak to my heart. I am so grateful for you and others like you who help us find community and a way to cope with our stress. 😊 Congrats on one year. May there be many more!

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You know, I’m not sure how I found out about Substack. But I am so glad I did… so many great writers and thinkers here. I really appreciate the kind words, Stephanie! Its been great fun for me and I’ve learned a ton! Community is an important element for our mutual strength as we’re facing so many unknowns. I’m glad you’re here! 💙

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