I agree with all of these! I used to say I’m gonna make some hats and T-shirts that say Make America Intelligent Again! Smart, cool, dumb dumb, bad! 🤣

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You make those hats and T-shirts and I’ll buy them! 😂😂

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Ha ha ha! Let’s collab together! I bet we’ll make a fortune! 🤣

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

Are we related? 😂

What “grinds your gears” are the same as mine! 😂

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😂😂 we may be, Marguerite!! 👍🏻

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

I’m always saying I need a Dry Erase Board in my car to remind fellow drivers the following:

The Gas Pedal is the one on the Right

Didn’t know turn signals were optional on Toyotas, or Ford or Chevy, etc

Pick a lane and stay in it for more than 1/4 mile.

Cameras at Lights doesn’t mean you can’t turn Right on Red.

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👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 ABSOLUTELY!

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

Littering yes, especially cigarette butts in my yard. It boggles my mind when people thing anything outside of their car window is a trash can

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It's beyond comprehension ... lazy MF'ers!

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People in public with no situational awareness grind my gears. Especially people in or around cars. Joggers who run on public streets at dusk and think it’s cool to dress like some kind of ninja, all dark including dark hoodie. People who park their cars, get out and walk away and leave the driver’s door wide open and the engine running. The same people empty their car’s ash trays in parking lots to “tidy up.” They also park taking up two parking spaces. George Carlin was right when he observed that people who drive too slow are all idiots and people who drive too fast are all maniacs. Why can’t they be like me and always drive at precisely the right speed?

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Exactly, Wayne! 😂😂😂 It's just common sense! And that whole thing about the ashtrays... infuriating. Smoking really angers me...I did it once and I see how it makes addicts out of people that kills them. UGH!

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I have a real issue with people young and healthy who won’t hold a door open for elders. Drives insane to watch an elder struggle with a big door with young people waiting behind them offering no assistance 🤬

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Absolutely. I usually hold a door and let people go first. It has to start somewhere, setting an example of kindness and respect. I hope your weekend is wonderful, Peter! ✌️❤️

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Absolutely Susan❤️! You have a great weekend as well.

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I'm adding to my own list. Contrary people. If I say black and you always counter with white, then why are we even talking? Empathetic listening. LISTEN. Acknowledge what the other person is saying before you speak. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

It would be easier to take care of your health with Universal health care. So, I believe there IS an excuse for many people who can't do it because of its high cost.

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Sadly, I agree, Marie. Yet there are people with insurance (like my deceased sweetheart) who have a million excuses why they wont get a colonoscopy, for example. I discovered this organization: I think we have to try.


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People who see their willful ignorance as a virtue.

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Indeed....it's maddening. They take pride in being dumb. 🤦‍♀️

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

For me, it’s willful ignorance that grates my nerves. I just have no tolerance for people who actually WORK to be stupid, and then claim their opinions are “valid.”

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OOOOOHHHHHH...I hear ya! 😡 And you can give them factual data and they STILL wont listen. Have humans always been this way?!

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

The brain washed ones. Brainwashing is a very real thing—the RNC under Charles Koch’s Mont Pelerin “cadre” developed an arm of the RNC to brainwash and recruit people as a cult. It began with Reagan “gas lighting” and repealing FCC regulations to accommodate Murdoch and “Fox”. At the same time, the Mercers—part of the Fascist Libertarian “cadre” unleashed targeting software on FB and Twitter . . . And on it goes.

“Mindf*ck” by Christopher Wylie

“The Rise for Weaponized Flak in the New Media Era” by Brian Michael Goss

“Date vs Democracy” by Kris Shaffer.

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

All of your grind my gears comments are perfect. I would add people who follow very very close when I’m driving … on my butt… Or go around me the right when there’s not even a lane there! Makes me crazy.

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

People that whistle.

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

It makes me crazy that so many people in their big vehicles (pickups included) drive so aggressively, tailgate and go 30 mph over the speed limit going nowhere except to the red light ahead. And when road construction makes 1 of 2 lanes merge and those supposed to be merging blow past everyone waiting, go the front of the line and force you out so they can get in. I now say to myself 'just chill'. I have seen a few get theirs. They were going so fast they didn't see the police sitting to meet people just like them and give them a nice prize--a speeding ticket.

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In Philly, I see this a lot....they race past me and we both end up at the same stop light. I laugh and smile at them, risking some serious road rage, but damn...how else can you deal with it? 😂

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

Men like Harrison butker

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Oh Hell yes. He's enough to make me an EX Chiefs fan.

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

Public gum chewers.

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Yup. I hate that, too!

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

Also, people who clip their fingernails during meetings. Do better.

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

Someone was cutting their toenails in the seat behind me on a plane once. I couldn’t believe my ears.

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May 17Liked by Susan Niemann

OMGGG that is horrifying

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