I had not heard of Baker's cysts before. I had a ganglion cyst once though. Finally had to have surgery to have it removed. Aging is humbling, that's for sure. I'm sorry you've been having all that pain. I hope things are improving on that front.

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Mar 27Liked by Susan Niemann

I totally understand. I have Baker’s cysts behind both knees and I get injections every six months to keep them “working“. But then I tripped over something the other night in the dark and took a flyer. Ended up fracturing a kneecap. It feels like two steps forward three steps back. Take care of yourself.

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OMG! I've found my tribe in these comments.

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Mar 26Liked by Susan Niemann

Oh!!! Empathy to you!!!!! 💚💚

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Mar 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Oh and good healing to you Susan!!!

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Mar 25Liked by Susan Niemann

With my own 67yr old body wearing out parts faster than a ‘57 Buick, I make it a point to mentally thank the gods it’s not my heart or brain, it’s not cancer and it can’t kill me. Unlike so many friends who’ve sadly succumbed to cancer & heart attacks much too young, we parts warriors trudge on thankful for better life thru chemistry.

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Mar 25Liked by Susan Niemann

I went through a whole summer about 10 years ago when the only way I could get around was using walking sticks to ease the impact on my knees. I am now 77 years old with stage 3 knee arthritis, but all parts are still my own. Sure, I gave up running, but occasionally will allow myself a lap on the track at the health club. I still do Zumba 2-3 times per week, do combined cardio/ weight classes 3 times a week, yoga for flexibility 2-3 times per week, enjoy social time with friends and family, taught myself watercolor during Covid isolation and exercised via zoom, etc, etc. it seems like it was just yesterday that I was 30, keeping myself young and positive in life outlook has truly supported living life to the fullest.

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Mar 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Wishing you a full recovery Susan.

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Mar 25Liked by Susan Niemann

So glad you shared this. ❤️

You are absolutely right.

We are stretching daily all day to keep as agile as we can. 🤣

I laugh because it's so true, your words.

My right knee a few years of falling a few times hurt and fixed the second time around. Plus you get that A+ rating with the hmo. 🤣

You break it, you fix it. Be patient 🙏

My husband, he has that massage it back to it feels decent, if he ever needs a second gig. 🤣

Our motto is whatever it takes, we can do it, or pay the professional.

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Mar 24Liked by Susan Niemann

I hear ya!

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Mar 24Liked by Susan Niemann

I feel your pain! Trying to ignore a flare up of tennis elbow and random knee pain from actual tennis. My 65 (soon to be 66) year old self refuses to accept that my sporting days may be numbered. I mean, I gave up skiing, ffs, in order to keep myself on the courts🙄

I hope this is resolving quickly for you!

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Love this! You are funny …even in pain! I agree…it’s annoying, inconvenient, not life threatening. You’ve got this girl… and I also agree, cute doctors make it better too! Wishing you a quick and easy recovery! 😊

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So sorry, that sounds really painful. But, hey, you get to show off your nice legs on the "internets"!

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Mar 24Liked by Susan Niemann

I’m a walking advertisement for after-market parts. Both shoulders, right hip, left knee: all replaced. I was so stubborn about using a walker that I crutched through several surgeries. Stay tough, stay strong. It’s not going to get easier as we age, that’s for sure.

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Mar 24Liked by Susan Niemann

When I was 67 I had both knees replaced on the same day. They had both been ‘bone on bone’, so I had serious pain for months before the surgery. Since they are both teenagers,(my knees) they are still great. It was the best thing I ever did for myself!

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Mar 24Liked by Susan Niemann

Hope you heal quickly! I’m recovering from breast cancer surgery at 51. This aging is tough, but it beats the hell out of the alternative, as my Nano used to say. Take good care of yourself Susan!🫶🏼

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