Just as I thought, you have some absolutely beautiful shots! I LOVE the fish. He knew you could make him a star. As ever, thanks for sharing your talent with the world

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That made my night! Thanks so much…I’m glad you like it! The fish was just crazy…I mean, he never moved! 😂😂 Appreciate it, Wanda!!

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The last photograph? That’s a dead ringer for me today! LOL

Gorgeous work!!!

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Coming from you, my talented friend, thats a supreme compliment! ❤️

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I didn't realize that goldfish could swim in the snow 😳 and I am a Canadian!! Who knew? Susan Niemann!

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SmugMug is great! Now, make the link 🔥 🥵 and take them right to the Shopping Cart!

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Fingers crossed. I hope people might see something they like!!

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‘If it was easy - everybody would be doing it ..’ - You’ll be doing what I’ve been doing for forty years.. & in a certain sense - Competing with ME & with AI & with everyone who has a cel phone or dedicated Camera ie ‘Point & Shoot, DSLR or Mirrorless.. This is not meant to ‘discourage.. far from it ! This is about being ‘realistic.. after all - my ‘side hustle’ is ‘Reality Advisor.. at large - ‘Everyone Is A Photographer today.. ‘Everyone Is A Director .. & ‘Everyone Is An Author too..

You have an ‘Advantage .. the most precious ‘Commodity on SubStack is ‘visibility .. I have ‘Advantages too ! And they’re of essentially Zero Use or Value here

Well over one half to 3/4 million Photos regarding almost Any Sector of Human or Natural Culture on Spaceship Earth - Writing & Production Credits re every aspect of Commercial or Educational or Entertainment Enterprise.. or ‘Best Practices re Healthcare & Medical Science..

In ‘The Court of Public Opinion - aka - the ‘substack flea market.. i’m selling ‘ideas.. hell - am giving them away ! Please - ‘steal my photos !

If you have ‘visibility - you’re ’already winning’ - what you do with your hard earned ‘visibility > is up to you.. & my impression is ‘you gots what it takes .. re the ‘business end of ‘Indy Media that Marshall McLuhan predicted .. ie ‘the Artist/Business Person - ‘manning the outposts of Culture & Technology..

ps - asking for a friend - what is the ‘female counterpart of ‘manning ? 🦎🏴‍☠️ Lovin th Photos ! Scrumptious ! Had em for breakfast !

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Jun 26Liked by Susan Niemann

Yay Susan!! Beautiful

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Thanks Ann! So appreciated! 🥰

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Susan your photos are fabulous! The softness of the lily. Incredible. How you caught the dandelion. I love them all. Congratulations on stepping out to sell your art. I can relate on how hard putting yourself out to the world. Years ago when I was much younger I did show selling fiber pieces. Then I let life get in the way and did not produce “art” for many years. Then I met an oil painter who was also a wonderful teacher and human being. He re-sparked my need to create. Like many creatives painting kept me sane during Covid! Once the world opened up again I realized my studio was too full. We have a local Sat. Market which I decided to sell at. That first morning I sat in my loaded car and almost talked myself out of going. 😂 it was so fun! Met many new people. Was introduced to other artists. A long story leading me to: You have made an excellent choice, especially moving to a new area, even though you are from there. Out with the old and in with the new. I’m heading over to your website now.

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Linda! Appreciate your comments. In my working life, I collaborated with a team to create a final product. Now it's just me...and it's sorta terrifying! All the negative thoughts: Will people like it? Will it be well received? Then I realized (as you said) "My need to create. So I'm doing it for me now! Pressure is off! 😂 Stay in touch and thanks for being here! 😄

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Amazing work! Congratulations!

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Thanks so much! 🙏

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

That grotesque! It is adorable!

If you have other photos of gargoyles and grotesques, please make them available. I'll buy images of each one as my budget allows. (Not sure what the difference is between gargoyles and grotesques? Here ya go: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gargoyle&oldid=1230302555)

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Jackie, you just taught me something! I had no idea there was such a thing as a grotesque...very cool. I'm fascinated with them and of course, cemeteries where you can find so much stunning sculpture of so many things besides angels...which aren't awful, but... Thank you so much for the nice words. This one was taken in a friends magnificent greenhouse ... I loved him too! :)

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

They are probably the main reason I adore Gothic architecture so much. :) I'm glad my being such a word nerd was helpful.

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Oh, yes. Bring more words! I love them and am constantly learning new ones…thanks to people like you! :)

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

I like the gargoyle.

A lot..... 🙃

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Beautiful photos!!

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Thanks so much! 🙏⭐️

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Your pictures are beautiful!! I just had to take one of a cat. I ran over it by accident. They hide under my truck. I didn't see it. It's a stray that has given birth to 10 kittens in 14 months. I have 6 kittens now. The humane society won't take them. Oh, well. I'm waiting for the well guy to show up. No water pressure. The well pump was installed in 1979. I have a flat tire on my mower. A tree fell down in a storm and broke my giant pot. And it's only Tuesday. Life on the farm. 😂😂🤣

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Good Grief! You're done for the week, Lisa! 😂 Are you saying you took a picture of the cat after you ran over it or???? She was a prolific little girl, wasn't she? 😂

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

I took it to send to my husband. To show him how my fucking day is going so far with the rest of the pictures of the damage out here. It does sound weird that I took a picture of a dead cat. I did purpose. 😜

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LOL He needs to come home with flowers and bottle of wine. 😂😂

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann


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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Have a purpose I mean.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

You found a pescatarian camera ham! Your shots of flowers are truly amazing!!😀😀

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😂😂 I did! He just kept hanging around. (Thanks Charlie! 😘)

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

I love your photography 📸

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Appreciate that Lillian! 💫

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

The pics are so refreshing!

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Niemann

Beautiful photos!!

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