Susan, I read your comments on the Substack writers I follow and you’re always articulate and interesting. I’ve got to limit my subscriptions because I can’t find time to read all of them and it gets expensive, but I’ll make an exception for you. Thanks for your insight!
this essay makes me feel less alone. I feel the same and struggle in the same way. I don't have the skill to write about it. reading this makes a difference in my life. thank you
I am honored by your kindness. This column was a bit of a lark a year ago and the people who gather here are all so supportive and kind. Really glad you're here thereallara! 💙💙
I usually like to expound on one of your thoughts with a screed of my own. But you said it all for me. I'm in the very same place, almost verbatim. My fantasy lately has been Italy,but it changes. As others have said, you're special. I'm in that place where I think this country is irretrievably lost. Thanks for the mention. 🤗
Charles, your piece was SO on the money. I thank you for it.
I dont know if I'm special. Just a frustrated, outta work copywriter who has found a spot to spew words on the screen. And then lucky enough that people read them! Unless there is significant push back from the Dems, at least an attempt, I dont see anything good happening. We must always stay in touch, wherever we land! Thank you!
Thanks again for the kind words. :-) Well, I get the sense that you are special indeed, just from your blogging.
Yes, we will stay in touch for sure no matter where we land. I’m trying to figure out my final stop. I think I want to go back to CA, but I’m not sure. I like Oakland. I have friends in Colorado, too. We’ll see. But after I settle on that I would love to travel a bit. Some of this depends on the state of things in this messed up world. My wild prediction is that our paths will cross someday, assuming this clown doesn’t produce a Malthusian event of some kind first. Try to stay hopeful (easier for me to say than do but I remain a glass half full person). When I look at the people commenting on your posts, it reminds me that there is a lot of good left in the world. And, as Samwise told Frodo, “it’s worth fighting for.”
That’s what I tell myself. One more minute, and I keep writing. Because that’s the job. The real-life, no-safety-net, pour-your-heart-out work of writing.
And personally? I’d love it if you picked up your camera and started shooting again—anything, everything, whatever catches your eye. That’s how I found you in the first place. Your Substack, your articles about cemeteries, those breathtaking photographs.
There was one statue—I still remember it. It washed over me, wrapped itself around my thoughts, and I wrote a poem about the gentleman it honored. That feels like another lifetime now. But it’s a good memory, a lovely one. And thinking about it, about your work, still brings me a quiet kind of peace. I wish that for you.
My camera. I've been in such a second guessing funk, I've let it sit on the shelf. That needs to end. One of the great things about this platform is discovery, isn't it? One persons work and thoughts lead to another ... and then another. And another. And all of the sudden we have a gorgeous gang, people we look forward to hanging out with through our screens.
Thanks Gloria, for the encouragement... I'm shaking off the dust! ☺️
Hey, buddy, I hear ya! I was reminding myself not to get triggered by every thing Shitpants says. I reminded myself of my dealings with malignant narcissist psychopath skills. They are all about fucking chaos. They eat and breathe it. There isn't diddle fuck anyone can do about it.
I read this yesterday, by Benjamin Cremer, Wesleyan Pastor, "when you worship power, compassion and mercy look like sins."
That's where we are at today. There's a lot of good people in government just trying to do their job. All is not lost. We've been here before. We'll fix it again. We do evolve, but resist change. Humans are straight up fuck ups. We all are flawed. It's how we deal with those flaws. Don't give them your power. Fuck 'em!! Hey, I'm nice to everybody, until they show me otherwise. I hate bullies. I'm always ready to jump in a fight. We have each other in these safe places.
Depression fucking sucks. Who doesn't have it?! If your having a bad day call Senator Ron Johnson's office and give him hell. It works for me. 😅 I made a dozen calls yesterday. I was fucking livid. I feel better today. 😌 I love you. We'll get through this together. 💪 ❤️
Call Ron Johnsons office! 😂😂😂 OMG! Thats so right on, Lisa! I'm on the fucking phone tomorrow! And you know what? Everything you said is so right. I'm sooo tired of people behaving badly. I guess we've always been an awful species... except for anyone in this community, cause dammit, we support one another.
My own daughter, my "best" girlfriend, my "brother", never read anything I write. Even the guy I've been seeing. Fuck. This IS my safe space, and people like you, and the others here, sustain me. You have no idea how much that means to me right now.
"when you worship power, compassion and mercy look like sins." DAMN. Powerful.
I look forward to meeting you for real, Lisa. I could fucking cry right now.
Fuck the assholes. Family assholes are the worst. They're so fucking shameful. Those gummies keep me grounded. No shit! Because I would be on a street corner screaming out of a bullhorn right now. Instead, Im calling Ron Johnson. 🤣😂🤣 Listen, all this fuckery just might unite us. Read Joy Vance tonight. We need to be loud. Be a goddamn pain in their asses. I was calling Republicans and asking, "why do you hate us so much?" They were silent on the other end. We're going fight. I've licked my wounds long enough. Now, the boxing gloves go on. He's coming with a wrecking ball. And we all know it.
Thats a great question: Why do you hate us so much?" I'll use that when I call tomorrow. Now I'm going to read Joyce Vance. (haven't gotten to her yet!) She's a wildly intelligent voice of reason.
And about family? I tried. I'm done. (As my grandmother used to say about my mother, "She wasn't raised to be that way". 😂😂 Same with my kid. 🤷🏼♀️)
I need to spend what little time I have left on this earth taking care of me.
I've just gone through some pretty heavy stuff with one of my daughters. It's so hard. We'll talk. I'm finally putting my mental and emotional health first. For me, it's survival. My husband and I are have evolved into roommates. I cook, he fixes shit. It works, well, sometimes. God, my fucking life! 🙄
I'm open, I'll meet anytime or anywhere. My door is open too.
I'm leaving Philly- where I am now- at the end of February. I have Midwest stuff to do... after that I wonder about driving up north to Lisa's house! 😂 Stay tuned!! And again... I appreciate you so much. 😘
Susan-plan a vacation… turn off the phone ( for a little bit…) you are doing a wonderful job keeping folks like us informed, (not just sharing disgusting news items- cuz I love your thoughts and vocabulary choices.. lol)yet educated with your art and music knowledge! I’m currently on a week vacation in Naples FL… where today we saw million dollar homes…where the owners live 2-6 weeks a years…. So yeah - let’s give them tax breaks! JFC! Hang in there Susan!
Tess, I really appreciate your sentiments...and tax breaks? 😂 Naples is such a decadent place...if you see my ex down there, poke him in the eye..He voted for the orange moron. 😂 But the sunshine this time of year is glorious! We'll make it!! HUGS!
Appreciate you sharing and glad that you’re part of this virtual community, Susan. Gives me hope that there still are reasonable people. Have to hope we’ll prevail. I’m glad and fortunate to be in something of a “bubble” where I live.
Hi Matt! It feels safer when you're around like-minded people. Thats why the community here means so much to me. Surely common sense will prevail. We have to hope. Thanks for being here. 💙💙
Susan, I so value your input and observations. Please, we need you. These two weeks of hell are the shock and awe they threatened. But they have already retreated on freezing govt spending. They will fail. It’s just a matter of time. They’re too incompetent not to. And when they do, we’ll do what we need to do to pick up the pieces. I’m certain of it. But speaking for myself, I’ve had to limit my exposure to keep myself sane because I tend to feel as you do very quickly. I won’t let them do it to me.
Very good advice Gail. Ive stopped holding out hope for the human race... that they can rise above their primitive impulses and be aware of their fellow man/woman. This MAGA cult of people are crazy, cruel and I think dangerous. Of course you're right about the incompetence, too. The dumb (and the arrogance) runs deep, doesnt it? I'm so glad you're here... good words!!!!
Hang in there Susan! I’m trying to keep up on Substack articles that I either subscribe to or read as a freebie because there is only so much to learn every stinking minute.
So I decided to keep my weekdays Substack about 4 hrs then cut it off. In the evening I read for my pleasure and ignore the calling of my book. Then weekends are just abbreviated reads of just my favorites. With this new way I’m finding more pieces of life and pleasure I must have misplaced in 2024. Hopefully my book will bloom in my brain with more time put to it.
Smart idea to give yourself a time limit. AND THERE IS SO MUCH TO LEARN! I'm also realizing to just shut it off at night. When I turn the pages of a book, it helps my sleep. And you have a book in your brain!? I would find that a daunting journey so please, get that going so we can read it!! :)
Let me know when you are ready to go and maybe I could be your travel companion. just know you can write from wherever you are. Don't give that up as we would all really miss you.
Wouldn't that be fun!? And you're so right....I can work from wherever. I wont give it up. Do you know I will have been writing here almost a year soon? I can hardly believe that! Having this bunch of cool people here means the world to thank you! 💙💙
As we discussed (well, ranted; at least I did!) yesterday, there is SO much shit being flung from so many different angles that it’s unbearable. However, what does make it a little less so is making time to be with friends or family or a good book or a fabulous recipe to make something at least yummy happen from it. Taking small pieces of positive (yay, Eagles) and using it to buffer oneself against all the crazy is my salvation. Oh, and a great afternoon with a dear friend is JUST the ticket. Love you! And thanks for your fabulous writing. This is such a good piece. I felt every word. 💕
Oh, Karen ... I feel the same way about you, my friend. We help each other through the crazy. And that gives us a lot to look forward to. Maybe I need to bake something! 😂 I appreciate you believing in me.... and......GO BIRDS!! 🦅🦅🦅
Exhaustion doesn’t just come from personal struggles—it comes from witnessing, from holding the tension of a world unraveling while trying to stay intact. Staying kind, staying decent, staying open when so much around demands cynicism takes more energy than it should. And when there’s no obvious way forward, even dreaming of a different life feels like work.
You’re not alone in that feeling.
The sheer volume of anger, the entitlement to cruelty, the way everything gets twisted into a fight—it wears people down everywhere. Some stay because their roots run too deep. Some stay because they believe in fixing what’s broken. And some reach the point where the best thing they can do is step away and build something new elsewhere.
If Europe is calling to you, I have two rooms and a private bathroom in the southern part of the north of Germany—and a cat. We’re not in a right-wing stronghold—more center-left, more space to breathe. The nearest airport is Hannover, with direct access to trains on the north-south railway lines. Even if it’s only for a start, it’s a shift. A chance to look at the world from another angle, to exist without the constant hum of American exhaustion. Maybe it’s a place to start. Maybe not. But the option is there. And I’ve offered it before.
"dreaming of a different life feels like work." You said it. Stepping away to see a different perspective, learn new things... my gut tells me it's the right thing to do. I have nothing in America now that's holding me. Why not? Even if it was for a year...a Nomad or retirement visa. Its possible. I could also move to my house in NE Missouri and hide out amongst the rednecks. 😂 AND... how absolutely kind of you for the offer. ❤️ Grateful to you. It restores my faith in human kindness.
DM me if you ever want to take me up on in, for a week, a month or longer. It sure is very different from everything American with timber-framed houses older than the discovery of America itself. European. Might be a change.
Your articles along with other people’s are a huge help. We are in this together. I am having knee surgery in March and also need to find my passport. I am watching how things go. The dems need to fight and resist all the way. It sucks living in VERY gerrymandered Indiana. I appreciate when you share anything about relocating. I am being open minded about it. I focus on taking one day at a time. Sending you a virtual hug.
Good luck on the knee...I'm hoping to put that off a little while longer! 🙄 Yes, there are so many sites offering good advice about a move...I'm still learning. And the language thing...I know I can learn whatever. I bought Babel for lifetime. Like you, I am trying to be open minded. Let's stay in touch and share info Ginny! Thanks for being here!
Susan Niemann: First, a father-daughter relationship can be deeply loving and supportive, and as a father of two well-loved daughters, I am deeply sorry your life began with abuse from the man who should have been your nurture and safety.
Very, very sorry.
You are a wonderful person, and your writings have brought me close to you in friendship, albeit from a distance.
You have had true love in your life with Tim, whom you bring so vividly to life in your writings.
I am bilingual in German, have a support system of numerous loved ones in the Rheinpfalz near Bad Dürkheim, and my loyalty to a deeply divided America is such that tomorrow I could move to Bad Dürkheim.
Nancy -- the Light and Love of My Life (whom I have loved for 53 years, married 51) insists we live near grandkids in a 'Burb of Memphis, so I don't have the independence, because I am with persons I deeply love. (I deeply love my "cousins" in the Rheinpfalz . . .)
Compromise: We will spend a good deal of time abroad and we will be active with cultural institutions and events.
And we will support LULAC (the League of United Latin American Citizens -- a civil rights organization founded in 1929), NAACP, ACLU, ADL, and the Criminal Defense Fund of the NAACP that is presided over by that magnificent Professor at Howard Law and civil rights attorney, Sherrilyn Ifill (cousin to the late and well-loved Gwen Ifill -- God, I cried when we lost that magnificent person!).
Susan: You are one of the very best, and I love my friends including you.
You are not alone.
Remember what Professor Joyce Vance says, "We are in this together!"
I love that you are so supportive and understanding Armand. THANK YOU! The digital community of like minded people never fails to be supportive of one another...a gift. Joyce is brilliant, isnt she....We are in this together! Hugs to you and your family. 💙💙
Susan, I read your comments on the Substack writers I follow and you’re always articulate and interesting. I’ve got to limit my subscriptions because I can’t find time to read all of them and it gets expensive, but I’ll make an exception for you. Thanks for your insight!
Don't leave this great country Susan; stay home and fight like hell so we can recover from the nightmare that is upon us!
I hope we do recover. A little travel while I still can though, might be good for my soul! 💙
this essay makes me feel less alone. I feel the same and struggle in the same way. I don't have the skill to write about it. reading this makes a difference in my life. thank you
I am honored by your kindness. This column was a bit of a lark a year ago and the people who gather here are all so supportive and kind. Really glad you're here thereallara! 💙💙
I usually like to expound on one of your thoughts with a screed of my own. But you said it all for me. I'm in the very same place, almost verbatim. My fantasy lately has been Italy,but it changes. As others have said, you're special. I'm in that place where I think this country is irretrievably lost. Thanks for the mention. 🤗
Charles, your piece was SO on the money. I thank you for it.
I dont know if I'm special. Just a frustrated, outta work copywriter who has found a spot to spew words on the screen. And then lucky enough that people read them! Unless there is significant push back from the Dems, at least an attempt, I dont see anything good happening. We must always stay in touch, wherever we land! Thank you!
Thanks again for the kind words. :-) Well, I get the sense that you are special indeed, just from your blogging.
Yes, we will stay in touch for sure no matter where we land. I’m trying to figure out my final stop. I think I want to go back to CA, but I’m not sure. I like Oakland. I have friends in Colorado, too. We’ll see. But after I settle on that I would love to travel a bit. Some of this depends on the state of things in this messed up world. My wild prediction is that our paths will cross someday, assuming this clown doesn’t produce a Malthusian event of some kind first. Try to stay hopeful (easier for me to say than do but I remain a glass half full person). When I look at the people commenting on your posts, it reminds me that there is a lot of good left in the world. And, as Samwise told Frodo, “it’s worth fighting for.”
"Hold on. Just one more minute."
That’s what I tell myself. One more minute, and I keep writing. Because that’s the job. The real-life, no-safety-net, pour-your-heart-out work of writing.
And personally? I’d love it if you picked up your camera and started shooting again—anything, everything, whatever catches your eye. That’s how I found you in the first place. Your Substack, your articles about cemeteries, those breathtaking photographs.
There was one statue—I still remember it. It washed over me, wrapped itself around my thoughts, and I wrote a poem about the gentleman it honored. That feels like another lifetime now. But it’s a good memory, a lovely one. And thinking about it, about your work, still brings me a quiet kind of peace. I wish that for you.
My camera. I've been in such a second guessing funk, I've let it sit on the shelf. That needs to end. One of the great things about this platform is discovery, isn't it? One persons work and thoughts lead to another ... and then another. And another. And all of the sudden we have a gorgeous gang, people we look forward to hanging out with through our screens.
Thanks Gloria, for the encouragement... I'm shaking off the dust! ☺️
Hey, buddy, I hear ya! I was reminding myself not to get triggered by every thing Shitpants says. I reminded myself of my dealings with malignant narcissist psychopath skills. They are all about fucking chaos. They eat and breathe it. There isn't diddle fuck anyone can do about it.
I read this yesterday, by Benjamin Cremer, Wesleyan Pastor, "when you worship power, compassion and mercy look like sins."
That's where we are at today. There's a lot of good people in government just trying to do their job. All is not lost. We've been here before. We'll fix it again. We do evolve, but resist change. Humans are straight up fuck ups. We all are flawed. It's how we deal with those flaws. Don't give them your power. Fuck 'em!! Hey, I'm nice to everybody, until they show me otherwise. I hate bullies. I'm always ready to jump in a fight. We have each other in these safe places.
Depression fucking sucks. Who doesn't have it?! If your having a bad day call Senator Ron Johnson's office and give him hell. It works for me. 😅 I made a dozen calls yesterday. I was fucking livid. I feel better today. 😌 I love you. We'll get through this together. 💪 ❤️
Call Ron Johnsons office! 😂😂😂 OMG! Thats so right on, Lisa! I'm on the fucking phone tomorrow! And you know what? Everything you said is so right. I'm sooo tired of people behaving badly. I guess we've always been an awful species... except for anyone in this community, cause dammit, we support one another.
My own daughter, my "best" girlfriend, my "brother", never read anything I write. Even the guy I've been seeing. Fuck. This IS my safe space, and people like you, and the others here, sustain me. You have no idea how much that means to me right now.
"when you worship power, compassion and mercy look like sins." DAMN. Powerful.
I look forward to meeting you for real, Lisa. I could fucking cry right now.
THANK YOU! Now, pass the gummies. 😂😂
Fuck the assholes. Family assholes are the worst. They're so fucking shameful. Those gummies keep me grounded. No shit! Because I would be on a street corner screaming out of a bullhorn right now. Instead, Im calling Ron Johnson. 🤣😂🤣 Listen, all this fuckery just might unite us. Read Joy Vance tonight. We need to be loud. Be a goddamn pain in their asses. I was calling Republicans and asking, "why do you hate us so much?" They were silent on the other end. We're going fight. I've licked my wounds long enough. Now, the boxing gloves go on. He's coming with a wrecking ball. And we all know it.
Thats a great question: Why do you hate us so much?" I'll use that when I call tomorrow. Now I'm going to read Joyce Vance. (haven't gotten to her yet!) She's a wildly intelligent voice of reason.
And about family? I tried. I'm done. (As my grandmother used to say about my mother, "She wasn't raised to be that way". 😂😂 Same with my kid. 🤷🏼♀️)
I need to spend what little time I have left on this earth taking care of me.
I've just gone through some pretty heavy stuff with one of my daughters. It's so hard. We'll talk. I'm finally putting my mental and emotional health first. For me, it's survival. My husband and I are have evolved into roommates. I cook, he fixes shit. It works, well, sometimes. God, my fucking life! 🙄
I'm open, I'll meet anytime or anywhere. My door is open too.
I'm leaving Philly- where I am now- at the end of February. I have Midwest stuff to do... after that I wonder about driving up north to Lisa's house! 😂 Stay tuned!! And again... I appreciate you so much. 😘
Susan-plan a vacation… turn off the phone ( for a little bit…) you are doing a wonderful job keeping folks like us informed, (not just sharing disgusting news items- cuz I love your thoughts and vocabulary choices.. lol)yet educated with your art and music knowledge! I’m currently on a week vacation in Naples FL… where today we saw million dollar homes…where the owners live 2-6 weeks a years…. So yeah - let’s give them tax breaks! JFC! Hang in there Susan!
Ha! I could probably be poking eyes all day—-trumpers abound!
Call me if you need bail money! 😂😂😂
Tess, I really appreciate your sentiments...and tax breaks? 😂 Naples is such a decadent place...if you see my ex down there, poke him in the eye..He voted for the orange moron. 😂 But the sunshine this time of year is glorious! We'll make it!! HUGS!
Appreciate you sharing and glad that you’re part of this virtual community, Susan. Gives me hope that there still are reasonable people. Have to hope we’ll prevail. I’m glad and fortunate to be in something of a “bubble” where I live.
Hi Matt! It feels safer when you're around like-minded people. Thats why the community here means so much to me. Surely common sense will prevail. We have to hope. Thanks for being here. 💙💙
Susan, I so value your input and observations. Please, we need you. These two weeks of hell are the shock and awe they threatened. But they have already retreated on freezing govt spending. They will fail. It’s just a matter of time. They’re too incompetent not to. And when they do, we’ll do what we need to do to pick up the pieces. I’m certain of it. But speaking for myself, I’ve had to limit my exposure to keep myself sane because I tend to feel as you do very quickly. I won’t let them do it to me.
Very good advice Gail. Ive stopped holding out hope for the human race... that they can rise above their primitive impulses and be aware of their fellow man/woman. This MAGA cult of people are crazy, cruel and I think dangerous. Of course you're right about the incompetence, too. The dumb (and the arrogance) runs deep, doesnt it? I'm so glad you're here... good words!!!!
Hang in there Susan! I’m trying to keep up on Substack articles that I either subscribe to or read as a freebie because there is only so much to learn every stinking minute.
So I decided to keep my weekdays Substack about 4 hrs then cut it off. In the evening I read for my pleasure and ignore the calling of my book. Then weekends are just abbreviated reads of just my favorites. With this new way I’m finding more pieces of life and pleasure I must have misplaced in 2024. Hopefully my book will bloom in my brain with more time put to it.
Smart idea to give yourself a time limit. AND THERE IS SO MUCH TO LEARN! I'm also realizing to just shut it off at night. When I turn the pages of a book, it helps my sleep. And you have a book in your brain!? I would find that a daunting journey so please, get that going so we can read it!! :)
Let me know when you are ready to go and maybe I could be your travel companion. just know you can write from wherever you are. Don't give that up as we would all really miss you.
Wouldn't that be fun!? And you're so right....I can work from wherever. I wont give it up. Do you know I will have been writing here almost a year soon? I can hardly believe that! Having this bunch of cool people here means the world to thank you! 💙💙
As we discussed (well, ranted; at least I did!) yesterday, there is SO much shit being flung from so many different angles that it’s unbearable. However, what does make it a little less so is making time to be with friends or family or a good book or a fabulous recipe to make something at least yummy happen from it. Taking small pieces of positive (yay, Eagles) and using it to buffer oneself against all the crazy is my salvation. Oh, and a great afternoon with a dear friend is JUST the ticket. Love you! And thanks for your fabulous writing. This is such a good piece. I felt every word. 💕
Oh, Karen ... I feel the same way about you, my friend. We help each other through the crazy. And that gives us a lot to look forward to. Maybe I need to bake something! 😂 I appreciate you believing in me.... and......GO BIRDS!! 🦅🦅🦅
Sending warm hugs and a reminder that you are seen, heard, and valued.
You’re so awesome, Jena. Thanks for being here! ❤️
Susan, I feel the weight in your words.
Exhaustion doesn’t just come from personal struggles—it comes from witnessing, from holding the tension of a world unraveling while trying to stay intact. Staying kind, staying decent, staying open when so much around demands cynicism takes more energy than it should. And when there’s no obvious way forward, even dreaming of a different life feels like work.
You’re not alone in that feeling.
The sheer volume of anger, the entitlement to cruelty, the way everything gets twisted into a fight—it wears people down everywhere. Some stay because their roots run too deep. Some stay because they believe in fixing what’s broken. And some reach the point where the best thing they can do is step away and build something new elsewhere.
If Europe is calling to you, I have two rooms and a private bathroom in the southern part of the north of Germany—and a cat. We’re not in a right-wing stronghold—more center-left, more space to breathe. The nearest airport is Hannover, with direct access to trains on the north-south railway lines. Even if it’s only for a start, it’s a shift. A chance to look at the world from another angle, to exist without the constant hum of American exhaustion. Maybe it’s a place to start. Maybe not. But the option is there. And I’ve offered it before.
"dreaming of a different life feels like work." You said it. Stepping away to see a different perspective, learn new things... my gut tells me it's the right thing to do. I have nothing in America now that's holding me. Why not? Even if it was for a year...a Nomad or retirement visa. Its possible. I could also move to my house in NE Missouri and hide out amongst the rednecks. 😂 AND... how absolutely kind of you for the offer. ❤️ Grateful to you. It restores my faith in human kindness.
DM me if you ever want to take me up on in, for a week, a month or longer. It sure is very different from everything American with timber-framed houses older than the discovery of America itself. European. Might be a change.
Your articles along with other people’s are a huge help. We are in this together. I am having knee surgery in March and also need to find my passport. I am watching how things go. The dems need to fight and resist all the way. It sucks living in VERY gerrymandered Indiana. I appreciate when you share anything about relocating. I am being open minded about it. I focus on taking one day at a time. Sending you a virtual hug.
Good luck on the knee...I'm hoping to put that off a little while longer! 🙄 Yes, there are so many sites offering good advice about a move...I'm still learning. And the language thing...I know I can learn whatever. I bought Babel for lifetime. Like you, I am trying to be open minded. Let's stay in touch and share info Ginny! Thanks for being here!
I definitely plan to stay on touch. 😊
Susan Niemann: First, a father-daughter relationship can be deeply loving and supportive, and as a father of two well-loved daughters, I am deeply sorry your life began with abuse from the man who should have been your nurture and safety.
Very, very sorry.
You are a wonderful person, and your writings have brought me close to you in friendship, albeit from a distance.
You have had true love in your life with Tim, whom you bring so vividly to life in your writings.
I am bilingual in German, have a support system of numerous loved ones in the Rheinpfalz near Bad Dürkheim, and my loyalty to a deeply divided America is such that tomorrow I could move to Bad Dürkheim.
Nancy -- the Light and Love of My Life (whom I have loved for 53 years, married 51) insists we live near grandkids in a 'Burb of Memphis, so I don't have the independence, because I am with persons I deeply love. (I deeply love my "cousins" in the Rheinpfalz . . .)
Compromise: We will spend a good deal of time abroad and we will be active with cultural institutions and events.
And we will support LULAC (the League of United Latin American Citizens -- a civil rights organization founded in 1929), NAACP, ACLU, ADL, and the Criminal Defense Fund of the NAACP that is presided over by that magnificent Professor at Howard Law and civil rights attorney, Sherrilyn Ifill (cousin to the late and well-loved Gwen Ifill -- God, I cried when we lost that magnificent person!).
Susan: You are one of the very best, and I love my friends including you.
You are not alone.
Remember what Professor Joyce Vance says, "We are in this together!"
I love that you are so supportive and understanding Armand. THANK YOU! The digital community of like minded people never fails to be supportive of one another...a gift. Joyce is brilliant, isnt she....We are in this together! Hugs to you and your family. 💙💙