John Prine! Holy cow, there's a blast from the past. When I was in my teen years, Chicago's WXRT ran things in such a way that they let their DJs pick the music they played. I don't remember which one, but one of them really loved John Prine and Bonnie Raitt, so I was lucky to have heard them quite a bit (I don't remember ever together, though).

WXRT was such a lifesaver for me as a kid.

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I love this,!!! I haven't had a chance to catch up but I assume you're in Missouri now? I know you had a blast in Alaska.

So glad to catch up.

# who'syourfarmer

Love and respect to you !


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Back in Missouri for awhile. You change names like people change socks!! 😂

# who'syourfarmer????

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I've been relieved of entire phone contents a few times since my original account. I know how to piss off all the right people ……;(

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Most people change their socks?

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My late boyfriend (today was his birthday) took me to see John Prine in concert many years ago. Although I'd heard of him, I was not too excited to go. But, he was so good I was really glad we went. Saved our ticket stubs in a scrap book. I like the song When I Get to Heaven (think that's it) among many others.

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I'd sorry we didnt get to see John before he passed. Now I respect so many songwriters that were inspired by him. Jason Isbel... do you listen to his work? And perennially grumpy James McMurtry is a must. 😂 I'm sure sorry for your loss, Kathy. I miss my Tim every day. He was only 59 when I lost him. Sometimes, I just yell at him for not getting the one test that could have saved his life. Hang in there and turn up the music. ❤️❤️

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If there was ever a time for good jams and good food.....

One of my few life tenants. When in doubt, twirl!

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Where would we be without food and music! 👏👏👏

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Stuck with body functions as our only commonality…..eeewwwww! 🙈

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Bonnie Raitt's cover of Angel from Montgomery is a personal favorite.

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Bonnie is a slide blues guitar goddess. If she doesn't give you a case of the feels, I'm worried about your soul. 😉

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I LOVE her. She's fantastic.

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Do either of you two know about Alabama Shakes? Their lead singer is a force of nature black woman that can jam on a guitar like she was in the womb with Bonnie. Most vocals also. Super fun and always in the groove.

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Yes! I have, They are superb. Now that you mention them, I'm going to play some right now. 💙💙💙

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Yay! Not surprised just wanted to make sure. 😊

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Though I was living in Chicago and was a Steve Goodman fan, I managed to miss John until I was working the midnight shift at the O'Hare Oasis and listening to Terri Hemmert on -- was it WXRT? -- and I learned a little then. But it wasn't until 1999 when I was living in Houston and listening to KPFT in the mornings that I really heard John. And that duet with Iris Dement made me a fan of both of them. And while I have seen Steve and Iris on stage, I never managed to see John perform live. But I don't think it mattered all that much because I came to appreciate him big time.

Fred Holstein introduced me to John Prine. I don't recall the title but I remember the lyrics:

"The old folks don't talk much and they talk so slowly when they do

They are rich, they are poor, they share one heart for two.

Their homes all smell of time, of old photographs and an old-fashioned song

Though you may live in town, you live so far away, when you live too long."

Fred told of having performed that number at the Chelsea House -- a "retirement community" in Chicagoland and how there was a pair of eighty-something newlyweds at one performance. He said he couldn't leave with that sad song so he had another which came from Pete Seeger:

"How do I know that my youth is all spent?

My get-up-and-go done got up and went.

But in spite of it all I am able to grin,

To think of the places my get up has been."

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Yep. Probably XRT. One of their DJs, can't remember which one, really liked Prine. XRT DJs typically chose the music to play back in the day.

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I'm late to the Prine Party...but I'm happy I'm in the room now! His lyrics are so spot on. Love the Pete Seeger lyric, too. I had to look up Steve Goodman. Only 36 years old when he passed? What a loss. Thanks for enlightening me Don. I'll be finding his music!

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Just in case you're a Cardinals fan, lol:


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Ahhhhh….. NOT a Cardinals fan. 😂😂 (They’re a pretty arrogant bunch!) I’ve always loved the hapless Cubs and about fainted when they actually won a Series! GREAT SONG!

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I was a mess that night, lol, especially after Davis’ home run. :-)

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I'm listening to "Saddle in the Rain" in his honor.

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Nice!!! ❤️❤️

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We are big fans in this household….unfortunately never saw him live …the interesting thing about his Covid…he contracted it when he was in Paris with his lovely wife, so he did have that time in Paris before he died.

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So sad. He was and will remain a legend.

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Susan Niemann: Tim, a very deep, loving, good person, is one you give proper homage, and, in loving Tim, you share of his spirituality and deep love and goodness.

Thank you so very much for letting us know Tim!

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I've loved John Prine since I was turned onto him in my teen years. Seeing that video of John and Bonnie Rait singing "Angel from Montgomery" put a lump in my throat. He was a giant of American music. He wrote about what he knew.

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Was late to the John Prine party but I’m all in now!

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What a sweet sweet song: "I Remember Everything". We do, don't we?

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John Prine-one of my husband’s favorites! Listened to him back in the day—did not know about his health issues. How sad. Rest in peace John.❤️

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Whatta songwriter! One of a kind for sure!! ❤️

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I think I can still recall all the lyrics to Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore. And I'm pretty sure that his time delivering the US Mail had something to do with that song.

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I love John Prine Susan. There is a video on YouTube from Austin City Limits with him performing Angel of Montgomery with Bonnie Raitt which is really good I don’t know if you’ve seen it but it’s really good 😊!

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I’m a big Bonnie Raitt fan as well I love collaborations in music I feel it sometimes brings out the best in musicians.

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IT IS! I believe thats the one I chose for this essay! Love Bonnie! They were so good together!

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